View from the Mount

View from the Mount
Sober Thought Provoking Archive Essays by SARTRE from BREAKING ALL THE RULES

Monday, May 19, 2014

Supreme Justice from a Court?

Well, this may be the season for the long rumored retirements from the Supreme Court. As speculation grows, and factions position themselves to go to battle, will confirmation hearings turn into the Borking of another jurist or two? With the prospects of another shameful saga, one might imagine that the majority on such a court could pick the next president! Appointees for life become entrenched political creatures - who would think it possible? It seems like the liberals, and those who claim to be progressive, are determined to forestall anybody remotely tainted with that conservative label. For these groups, a strict constructionist is anyone who can read the text of a law and rules on its constitutionality based upon the original document. Far too dangerous to have such judges elevated to the top court.

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